“Don’t tell me has educated you are. Tell me how much you have traveled.”
I am very curious as to who reads my blog and why, so if you guys wouldn’t mind answering these four simple questions that would be wonderful!
What is your age?10-20
pollcode.com free polls Why do you read my blog?Because I know you.
Because I cycle tour as well.
Because I’m interested in traveling and need inspiration.
Because I want to learn about other cultures.
pollcode.com free polls How often do you read my blog?This is my first time.
Once a month.
Once a week.
Every time there is a new post.
pollcode.com free polls What are your favorite posts about?About homestays and other cultural stories.
About cycling (kilometers, gear, road conditions).
About philosophy, religion, and travel as an education.
A little bit of everything.
pollcode.com free polls