Fashion Magazine

White Out

By Styleofsam @styleofsam


Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.  The mister and I enjoyed a weekend getaway in Austin.  In case you missed my instagram overload, I’m showing you one of my “souvenirs” from the trip.  I purchased a Michael Hickey antler rosary necklace from Feathers Boutique.  Aahh, Austin, so much goodness!





tee LNA c/o // jeans JOE’S // necklace ROBYN RHODES, MICHAEL HICKEY // earrings PREMIER // rings BY BOE, OUI ETSY // bracelets BAUBLE BAR, KELLY WEARSTLER,  JOSEPH BROOKS c/o // belt H&M // leopard wedges STEVE MADDEN {similar from Schutz} // bag LV // sunglasses RAYBAN

Photography by Mr. S

When I got home, I did a quick search for Michael Hickey.  There isn’t much info and nothing since 2010.  Apparently, he is a critical care nurse by day.  {Fun to see someone medical doing something artistic.}  He uses found objects from flea markets, and items are 100% consignment.  If an item doesn’t sell at a boutique, he takes it back and reuses it.  So interesting right?!  I LOVE discovering new artists!

I wanted to wear the necklace ASAP.  What could be better than a tee and jeans with this soulful necklace… a pair of ALL WHITE tee and jeans!   {Don’t mind the coffee on my tee – that’s what happens when I WEAR all white!}

The Style Rx:  White for the summer is great.  ALL WHITE for summer takes the cake!!

Shop the Look:

Another thing… I just want to thank you guys for being so supportive.  Lately, as in the last couple of months, I’ve had to “blog and run”.  I never really explained myself.  I started training at a new job.  That made a total of FOUR part-time jobs plus extra-curricular activities {Junior League, adoption stuff, and just LIFE}.  Things are calming down now.  EVERYONE is busy, so I TRULY APPRECIATE you taking the time to visit.  Have a blessed day!  xo

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