Be careful who you trust...
The Mailer family is oblivious to the terrible danger that enters their lives when seven-year-old Anthony is referred to the child guidance service by the family GP, following the breakdown of his parents' marriage.
Fifty-eight-year-old Dr David Galbraith, a sadistic, predatory paedophile, employed as a consultant child psychiatrist, has already murdered one child in the soundproofed cellar below the South Wales Georgian town-house he shares with his wife and two young daughters.
When Anthony becomes Galbraith's latest obsession he will stop at nothing to make his grotesque fantasies reality.
But can Anthony be saved before it's too late?
[The video featured two middle-aged men wearing nothing but black leather bondage hoods, who were eagerly assaulting a seven-year-old-boy with shoulder-length russet-brown hair parted in the middle](Bloodhound Books, 28 February 2018, ebook, 282 pages, copy from publisher and voluntarily reviewed)
This is my first time reading the author.
I really enjoyed this book. I will admit that I found the subject matter a little off-putting. However, the author handles this really well.
The book is dark at times but really well-written. I was gripped from page one all the way through to the end. Despite the subject matter White Is The Coldest Colour is not gory or graphic.
I thought they characters were excellent. Galbraith made my flesh crawl. He's a paedophile and I really disliked being inside his head, it was uncomfortable and chilling but fantastic at the same time. I liked reading from his POV even though he disturbed the hell out of me.
White Is The Coldest Colour is an impressive debut.