Whiskey Words And A Shovel I by R.H Sin REVISED EDITION
Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing
Published 2 May 2017
304 pages
Whiskey, Words, and a Shovel, Vol. 1, is about reclaiming your power on the path to a healthy relationship. It is a testament to choosing to love yourself, even if it means heartbreak.
Originally released in 2015, this re-rerelease packs the same punch as the first version, but makes an even greater connection with the soul of the reader. Each piece has been re-seen and revamped to reflect the author's continuing journey with his partner, Samantha King, without whom this book would not exist. Samantha is the muse, the "she" the writer speaks of; she is every woman who has felt like she wasn't good enough, and every woman who struggles to find love.
From Notes To The Neglected Ones I
Young girls neglected by their fathers
forced to grow up
like plants without sunlight
without care, without that love
and so they search for that love
in the arms of boys who are incapable
of loving them in ways
which they desire
Having read and enjoyed the poet's Whiskey, Words, And A Shovel III, I was delighted to get my hands on the revised edition of the first collection. I enjoyed this collection. I didn't like it as much as III so it gets a lower rating. The poems deal with the same themes as III and some of them are effective, hard-hitting and emotional. Rin explores themes found repeated multiple times in contemporary poetry: love, loss and heartache. Very little new can be said about these themes but Sin manages it a few times. However, some of the poems didn't work for me especially the ones describing how a woman feels engaging with the world. These were very cliché. At times I felt some of the poems were too short and lacked depth, so short I'd hasten to call them poems at all. There is some good stuff in Whiskey, Words, And A Shovel I and some not so good stuff so I didn't completely love it. I would recommend it though.