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Which UK Region is Home to the Best Drivers?

Posted on the 07 February 2020 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Dayinsure, one of the UK’s largest temporary insurance agencies, recently set out on a mission to find out which of the UK’s ten regions was home to the best drivers. They created a survey, which was filled in by a range of residents of each region, and the results were then analysed to create the final ranking. The questions asked about everything from bad overtaking habits to using a mobile phone whilst behind the wheel.

The infographic is an overview of the final rankings, showing which position each of the regions came overall. As well as that, it shows some of the best statistics from each region.

As well as an infographic, the article also contains an interactive map with the rankings and full survey results and comments from drivers from a range of the regions discussing the results, their thoughts on them and whether they think they are reflective of the region.

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Which UK region is home to the best drivers?

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