Humor Magazine

Wherein Pearl's Wardrobe Gets the Recognition It Deserves; Or, Hey! Are Those New Pants?

By Pearl

I’m wearing a new pair of pants today.
What’s that, you say? Why yes, I find that to be true as well! New clothes do make life worth living!
As shallow and self-serving as it may sound, somehow, wearing something to work that I’ve never worn before makes my job more exciting.
Can you imagine? More excitement than I had last week! Is that possible? As if the giddiness of the day’s filing and repeated “Good morning this is Pearl how can I help you?” isn’t enough!!
And now I’m doing it in new pants?
How in the world am I going to top this?
It’s been a fact of my corporate/office-style existence since, oh, well, let’s see. I started working right after World War I – the War to End All Wars, we called it. At first, I was content to just draw lines up the backs of my legs to simulate nylons, but I wanted more. I wanted one of those mink-biting-its-feet stoles like you saw in the talkies. I wanted my cigarettes in those long holders. I wanted to draw arches into my eyebrows that said “beat it, wise guy!”. I wanted shoulder pads that would make Joan Crawford weep.
I’m a little more subdued these days. I no longer think that knee-high moccasins are appropriate for the office. You can no longer tell what my favorite bands are from the logos on my shirts. I no longer carry changes of clothes in the back seat of my car, just in case I don’t make it home before I have to work again; and I now put on new make-up every day, even if I woke up in yesterday’s.
Whether I need to or not.
This new attention to my wardrobe might explain my rocket-like rise to power in the last 80 years from dance hall girl to vaudeville crooner to receptionist/copy drudge to World’s Best Lackey. (The title is self-appointed, but I’m sure HR will back me up on this.)
Anyway, that’s all I had to say today. Just wanted to let you know that I look and feel spiffy.
Carry on!

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