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Where to Get Moving Boxes

Posted on the 10 June 2019 by Dailyfusion @dailyfusion

Where to Get Moving Boxes

Moving is one of the most expensive tasks you ever have to undertake. For this reason, it is important to calculate all expected expenses, which include the cost of hiring a moving company or moving truck. Packing boxes are also important to consider when setting a moving budget. Good boxes that will protect your belongings during the move come at a cost. However, preparing for the move in advance can save you a lot of money when it comes to moving boxes.

Here are some tips on where to get moving boxes.

The Office Supply Store

Often times, purchasing of office supplies comes with strong sturdy boxes which are used for packaging these supplies and ensuring safe delivery to offices. You can visit your local office stores to find the best packaging boxes. Simply ask for the boxes that came with the printers and copier papers come in. These boxes are strong enough to transport anything, from pots and pans to DVDs and books. Some of these boxes come with a lid making your work much easier.

The Bookstores

Just like office supplies, books are also shipped packed in boxes. The boxes are of different sizes but must be sturdy enough to support the weight of the books. Most bookstores get book shipments once or a few times a week. This makes them excellent places to get moving boxes for free. You can ask around in your local book stores for any boxes that are not in use.

Restaurants and Bars

These are restaurants and bars that get deliveries for foodstuff or alcohol. These come packed in boxes. You can check with those that get regular deliveries. The boxes you get from bars are ideal for your glassware and cans due to their sturdiness. The boxes you get from restaurants can be used for packing your plants, toiletries, and clothes. Most local bars and restaurants will be happy to give these boxes for free as opposed to having them taking up storage space.

The Grocery Store

When preparing for your move, you can ask your local grocer for boxes they may not be using. You can also ask them when they expect the next delivery to ensure you are there to collect the boxes. Apple and banana boxes are sturdy and ideal for use as moving boxes. Make sure to seal the gaps in the boxes before you use them for your move.

Home Improvement Stores

While most home improvement stores prefer to sell boxes as opposed to giving them away, you can get free boxes from smaller, locally-owned stores in your area. These stores usually have a ton of boxes in storage that may never be used again. They will probably be more than happy to give them to you.

Other Options

Some moving companies such as have an online messaging board where their clients can find used moving boxes. You can also check on Freecycle and craigslist for used boxes around your community.

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