
Where Is 2020 Going?

Posted on the 07 February 2020 by Sim @simslifeblog

How am I already making arrangements to see friends over the February half term? Where is 2020 going?!

Some say January really dragged this year, for me it flew by in a whirlwind of I don't even know! I think once I get the chance to finally sit down and think about what happened last month I may find myself agreeing with the masses!

January is my birthday month, you may have seen the annual birthday afternoon tea treat I arrange each year. On the actual day Liv was far more excited than I was! I would be quite happy to sleep my whole birthday away (it will never happen unfortunately), but then I would have missed out on seeing friends, lots of laughter, an annual chippy lunch and then cake... lots of cake! 🙂

Where Is 2020 Going?
Where Is 2020 Going?

The rest of the month was spent rushing around, keeping fingers crossed, even praying at some points and unfortunately lots of sad news. It got to the point I was scared of answering my own phone! But where is 2020 going? It can only get better on from here and that is my decree!

February has been spent with friends old and new and even a random family trip to Saltburn (yes, I had to Google too!) to enjoy the weekend by the beach and visit other family!

Where Is 2020 Going?
Where Is 2020 Going?

Such a seriously lovely and picturesque place, easier to navigate to than expected too! The North East coast is so beautiful when you have the weather on your side and a fabulous idea for a family trip away!

I would love to add more weekends away into the mix this year, giving us the chance to venture to new parts of the UK and make some awesome memories. Everything is going well with the goals I set at the start of the year. so I am sure it won't hurt to add the goal of travelling to the list either!

What are your thoughts on 2020 so far? Did you find January to be the longest month ever or were you so distracted that it flew by?

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