The one that melts your heart and you just know they are THE one. People often say to me they just haven't found the one. I say I hope you aren't looking for just one because that would be a needle in a haystack. There are a couple billion people on Earth right now. Do you really think there is just one that would be perfect for you. I have been married to the same person for 26 years but I know that I could have found love with someone else had things not worked out. I would not trade him for anyone ONE. I dedicated my life to him and our children. We have a sweet beautiful relationship and I can't imagine life without him. I could have done the same thing with another person that was simalar to him. I could have worked out a sweet beautiful life with someone else that was dedicated to me if I worked at it too.
In the right time in both of your lives, you will attract the one or one of the people that you will fall in love with. You will meet and know this is the right time and the perfect person and they will feel the same way about you. Check the society pages of the newspaper.You will see that there are examples of people who found someone that was perfect for them. I don't believe there is just one person you could be happy with but I can tell you this. When you get to a happy good place in your life, you will attract your type. A person that is drawing to you and is their type. It's as simple as that.
We all long to belong to someone and bonded closely which is part of human nature. The timing has to be right. You need to get your mind in a great place. Love and get to know what a beautiful person you are and leave some room in it to meet someone. If you work 50 hours a week and spend all your free time with some isolating hobby, your chances of meeting the right one will just not happen very easily. Make some room in your life.
If you think you are ready to find the one but can't figure out what's stopping you. You could use a friend or an unbiased opinion on why not. There are blocks in people's lives that stop them from finding and letting themselves fall for someone. Your friends can often tell you what it is they see. seek out a professional if you don't know how to let down that wall. There is someone for everyone. Not just one in a million. You can find love when you out your self up to love.
A Similar Post on finding the One From my Dear Friend Sean
Go to my Met Liz and set up a time and let me help you get to the bottom of why you can't get that one. I've helped countless singles get to that place in their life and I want you to be next.
Elizabeth Maness
And for goodness sakes don't forget my valentines drawing for a host of gifts to get you started finding the ONE. The gifts are books that i recommend to clients and love. Each of which can set you off in the right direction of finding the healthy relationship you deserve.
Go take a look at my prize list! by clicking here.