Society Magazine

Where Are the Good and Godly Men in Your Life?

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
By Elizabeth Prata
I know there's a lot of "where are the strong Christian men" themes around. I know that male headship is under attack and the rise of feminism in the church has perhaps caused a seeming widespread dearth of strong and principled male leadership in homes and in the church. But...
I'll extol the many strong men who ARE laboring, who DO adhere to principles, who MIGHTILY glorify God. I'll start w/my 4 elders at my church. Diligent, wise, loving men who live moral lives, gently guide, gracefully receive repentance, &teach humbly. You know many others, surely
We see & interact many of them on Twitter every day. You know who they are. We listen to many of them online from podcasts & their church websites. You know who they are. And from that, we know there must be and are others out there too. Godly men are everywhere, busy being godly.
If we shouldn't overstate that the majority of evangelical women are angling for egalitarianism, we also should not overstate the seeming dearth of godly men. Thank you to men unafraid to lead, unashamed of home headship, unapologetic about submission - because THEY are submitted.
I think that while it's important to be clear-eyed about the evil times in which we live, and point to evil when we find it, we should also diligently search for and proclaim what is right, what is true what is noble,...wait, Paul said it better:
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8).
Barnes' Notes says
Think on these things - Let them be the object of your careful attention and study, so as to practice them. Think what they are; think on the obligation to observe them; think on the influence which they would have on the world around you.

And not only think on them, look for them, talk about them, proclaim them, exult in them, and thank Jesus for them.
Where are the good and godly men in your life?

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