Languages Magazine

When Students Become Versatile in Learning English and Spanish at Libraries

By Tlb
learn languages: Student in library

Student in library. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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According to a recent post from Sharon Sullivan, some students at a recent Mesa County Central Library were enjoying taking English classes as they increase their knowledge with the said language. And what’s so fascinating too is that on the other side of the library, interesting learners are also taking Spanish language learning as well.


Both the types of learners—English and Spanish—have exchanged their idiom for wholesome conversation and makes the most of their constant practice to sharpen each other’s targeted learned language.


Learners love the kind of lesson. There were various positive feedbacks recorded learners found the lessons very effective for their learning. “It’s good social networking,” said Karen Kllanxhja, head of the library’s literacy services. “Relationships are forged there. I love it.”


The give-and-take relationships of English-Spanish learning has brought students an incredible result not just to the language being learned, but also to the other languages integrated as well. They have understood each other’s culture, indulgence, and open-mindedness that make them become more susceptible of the versatility and similarities of English and Spanish languages.


True that not everyone can gets the chance to avail to a sophisticated English or Spanish language learning especially if the means of finances are limited. Nonetheless, since there are those that stood up and enable the common people to really bridge the gaps of various languages, foreign language learning has been made even more reachable than ever.


Personally, language news updates these recent days fascinate me. The world is really becoming smaller than what we’ve been seeing.

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