Politics Magazine

When Spending Becomes a Sickness

Posted on the 23 March 2018 by Thelongversion @thelongversion

When Spending Becomes a SicknessIf your congressional representatives or senators voted for the omnibus (more like ominous) spending bill, you now have a great reason to vote them out when they are up for re-election. They are ALL, (R)s and (D)s alike, addicted to our tax dollars and spending more than they make. A habit that would send you and I into bankruptcy.

For those in love with the president. He signed it. He now is culpable. He is also clueless. He’s being played by both Dems and Republicans and our kids and grandkids and great grandkids are now stuck with the bill. This is unsustainable.

For fellow Utahns, Orrin Hatch was the only Utah representative in DC that voted for the bill. Of course he won’t have to answer for it because he’s not running for re-election.

The proponents all point to the BUZZ items in the bill that we’ve all heard reported by the lap-dog media, like money for school security and the wall (not actually funded by the way), and defense spending, but do you have any idea what’s on the other 2200+ pages? Neither do they, because they had less than 15 hours to read it before voting on it…

This has become the way things on done in DC. Massive stacks of legislation pages with far too many to read and a very short window before a vote must be cast. It’s criminal, but then they’re immune from such things…

Don’t expect it to change though. The voters will do pretty much what they always do in the November midterms keeping incumbents and sticking to what makes them “feel” good.

No this bloated hog isn’t going anywhere. Not until the house of cards comes crashing down and buries it.

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