Languages Magazine

When Dudu Breaks Language Barriers

By Tlb

New social networking site, Godudu, has developed a platform that allows users to communicate across language barriers, allowing instant language translation to a user’s preferred language on instant chat, wall posts and pages, according to Alibek Issaev, chairman of


Social media has really been innovating in fast pace. At first, Facebook has innovated to become more versatile by providing more than several foreign languages. Twitter then followed; and now, another social networking site, Dudu, also known as has followed the language trend of breaking language barriers. Is this not good news for all of us who are fond with Dudu?

Oh, for those who are not familiar with Godudu at all, this incredible social media site has a unique translation technology allowing Internet users that speak different languages to communicate freely. Its offices are located in Dubai UAE, Makhachkala and Moscow in Russia, and Istanbul in Turkey.

So, since this particular site is intended for communication, does that mean that we can already learn Russian language aside from the method to learn Russian in a language schools? That would be incredible, you know!

According to Georgina Enzer, the project manager of Abdulrakhman Zulumkhanov, the translation of languages in this social site is definitely incredible. “Translation between languages is instant, if someone posts on a user’s wall, it will show in the user’s preferred language, but if a user wants to check what the original looks like in the original language, they can click the blue icon so they can see the original language. For users who are trying to learn languages, this is a new and entertaining way to do it,” he said.

So right now, the language that they are working today is Turkish. “Right now we are working on Turkish, we

recently signed with partners in Turkey, so in January we are looking at rolling out the Turkish language

support then after that we will look at Chinese and the popularly spoken European languages,” said Zulumkhanov.

Godudu may not be that famous as Facebook and Twitter, but for some advantages, this social media site is greatly advantageous especially when you deal with languages. This actually adds up the lists of improving language learning, right? We can have other choices aside from language schools

. As a learner, we can have more lists of learning methods we could include in our Russian language learning.

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