Debate Magazine

When Does Now Matter?

By Stevemiranda

When does now matter?

My 5-year-old son has homework. Since he’s going to have homework in first grade, it’s good to establish the habit now. That’s the theory, anyway.

(Of course, the only reason to have homework in first grade is the make sure he’s ready for second grade. And the only reason to have homework in second grade . . . )

Ambitious high school students tackle a rigorous academic program that will prepare them for college. And in college, they’ll take classes that will prepare them for the work world. That’s the theory, anyway.

After graduating, they’ll take boring entry-level jobs that they’re overqualified for in hopes that, soon, if they follow orders well and ingratiate themselves to the boss, it will position them for a great job. Soon, they’ll find themselves performing challenging tasks, effecting change that matters, and solving real problems.


When does now matter?

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