Lifestyle Magazine

When Bloggers Disappear Online…

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

When bloggers disappear online….all the other bloggers that they’ve made friends with panic.

I mean it – panic is the right word, I swear.

Imagine, if you are not a blogger, that someone in your family suddenly disappears out of the blue, what would you do?  You’d call, you’d text, you’d go by their home, you’d possibly freak out and call the police.  Especially if they’ve been missing for about 2 months.

This is how bloggers react when one of us goes missing.  We panic.  We tweet, we leave comments on your blog, we leave comments on your facebook, we message, we text….

…and then, when your blog goes down – we all panic even MORE….

And we start stalking you in real life….as in we call you, we text you…and finally, we physically come look for you.

Yes I’m talking about someone specific at the moment, but I’m not going to tell you who, just to conserve a little privacy.

I’m sorry – no one is on vacation for 2 months.  Not from the internet.  Not if you’re an internet addict like all of us bloggers and tweeters are.

So I am worried.  And so is every blogger/tweep that has met this person who is MIA.

This is the second time that this has happened to me – and it always seems to be the bloggers that I actually get along with really well.  The ones I connect with.

So, to my MIA blogger friend, I hope that you read this.  I miss you.  You are not only my blogging pal, but you’ve become my go-to girl to run around the city with – the one I could depend on to dump the hubby to go on a girls’ night out.  I hope that I was that for you too.  I miss you.

Please, please, please let me know you’re alive…because the internet police is about to come knocking on your blog door.

And I’m about to reach to your apartment to make sure that you are alive…

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