
WhatsApp No Longer Forces You to Patiently Sit Through Interminably Long Voice Notes

Posted on the 16 March 2022 by Geetikamalik

Always frustrating see features about iOS application before touching the same service on Android. WhatsApp is one of the most popular ways to communicate throughout the world, but often, iPhone users will get access to new tools before someone shakes pixels 6 or Galaxy S22. Fortunately, the features always make their way to Android, and with the latest beta whatsapp outdate, the player’s global voice record is waiting almost here.

This tool will let the user continue to listen to their voice memos when reading other conversations on their devices, with playback that brings without interruption in the background (through Wabetainfo). This is a very good method for listening to your friends summarizing their weekend plan when you respond to work colleagues, all without losing a knock.

As we previously seen when the first feature in development, the player blade appears at the top of the application when you navigate, keep the sound memo or other audio files played behind the scenes. Communication is not free from multitasking – especially on the phone, where messaging is not synchronous – so it’s great to see whatsapp finally improve how to handle sound clips on the application.

Although it appears on WhatsApp beta, only a few test accounts have access to this new sound player. If you don’t have it, you have to keep waiting for your profile added to Beta – or wait for the features to press stable. Hopefully, this is not too long before everyone has it on their device.

The post WhatsApp no longer forces you to patiently sit through interminably long voice notes  first appeared on NewsBamboo.

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