WhatsApp Users have been waiting for the ‘Edit Messages’ feature for a long time. Now finally instant messaging app WhatsApp has made the information about this feature rollout official. The company has shared a teaser video on the social media platform. It can be seen in this teaser video that the WhatsApp edit feature will be able to edit not only English but also messages in other languages.
WhatsApp has shared the teaser video through its official Twitter handle. It can be seen in this video that soon WhatsApp users will be able to edit typo messages. Not only this, it has also been confirmed through the video that the upcoming edit feature will be able to edit messages in English as well as in other languages. In the video, the company has not revealed the name of this feature, but the 18-second long video has indicated that now users will not have to wait long for the edit feature.
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) May 21, 2023
Talking about videos, WhatsApp has informed that the new feature is ‘coming soon…’. After this, some words have been seen in the video, which have been wrongly typed earlier, however, with the help of the new feature, they can be edited and corrected.
At present, the instant messaging app has not disclosed the edit feature rollout timeline, but it can be inferred from the teaser video that soon the company can rollout this feature globally in the coming days. Furthermore, this feature will be available for Android and iOS devices. At the same time, it can be used on many platforms. In this case, you can use it everywhere on mobile, tab, web version etc.
Let me tell you, this is not the first time that information about the WhatsApp edit feature has come to the fore. Earlier this feature has been spotted several times by quoting beta testers. Information has been received through beta testing that the WhatsApp edit feature will allow users to edit messages sent with typos within 15 minutes. All you have to do is long-press on the typo message. After this, the option of “Edit Message” will be displayed in front of you. By clicking on it, you will be able to edit and correct that wrongly sent message.
WhatsApp chat will be locked
WhatsApp has recently rolled out the chat locking feature for all users. With the help of this feature, users will be able to lock any one personal or important chat. Earlier, the facility to lock WhatsApp was available on the instant messaging app. At the same time, with the help of the new feature, you will be able to lock any one chat as well. This is a very important feature in terms of privacy and security of the users.