WhatsApp is a messaging app and it has blocked around 36 lakh mobile number accounts in India. These accounts were found to be related to fraud. This information has been shared by Union Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav. The minister said this while launching the Sanchar Saathi website by the Department of Telecom.
Responding to a question, Ashwini Vaishnav has said that it has been agreed with the Meta-owned app that if any mobile phone number is found involved in forgery, then that account will be deactivated. He gave this answer when a question was asked that what the government is doing about the fraud through WhatsApp.
chat on whatsapp
The minister has further told that he is talking to WhatsApp and he is also very active regarding the safety of the customer. WhatsApp considers customer safety very important. Along with this, work is also being done with the OTT platform and they are deregistering those accounts which are being found suspicious in works like fraud.
Fraud is happening from international number
During the last few years, Indian users have been receiving messages and calls from many international numbers, which many people are also reporting. Along with this, many users have also shared information with the country code of these numbers on social media accounts, including Indonesia (+62), Vietnam (+84), Malaysia (+60), Kenya (+254) and Ethiopia ( +251).
said thank you to the minister
WhatsApp thanked Minister Ashwini Vaishnav by issuing a press note. Along with this, let us tell that WhatsApp is continuously improving its platform and strengthening its security. During the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of fraud calls and messages on WhatsApp.