Few days back, Delhi witnessed the launch of 'WhatAShaadi', a mobile app designed to simplify the process of wedding planning, offers a one-stop solution to all your wedding needs! A pocket-wedding planner, the app embodies all the different facets that go into planning a dream wedding, hassle free!
With a user-friendly interface, an exhaustive list of vendors and multiple options to choose from, WhatAShaadi is an exceptional, one of a kind mobile app, which offers exclusive deals, a personal concierge service, and a wide range of vendors to cater to different market segments.
The app was launched at a blogger's meet hosted by Co-founders Natasha Dang and Sneha Singh at Levels in Hauz Khas Village.
Speaking on the occasion, Co-founders Natasha Dang and Sneha Singh said, "The process of planning a wedding starts from the day a mother starts visualizing her child's wedding. WhatAShaadi is an initiative to help realize that dream! Everything you need to plan a wedding, from a fashion designer for the bride to the venue that falls in your budget is available on the app! The USP being that one does not need to be a techspert to use the interface, as its extremely user friendly and helps save time, energy and money!"
Founder and Chairperson Mr. Praveen Dang and Co-founder Rahul Lakhaney, the tech ninja behind the inception of the app were also present at the launch.
Want to explore more of WhatAShaadi then download their app now!
Do share your thoughts for the app, we will be happy to hear more from you.