Expat Magazine

What Your Tweets Say About YOU.

By Expatmum @tonihargis
Wait - if you don't Tweet, don't turn away - it still could be entertaining.
For those who know nothing about Twitter, it's basically another social networking site, whereby you can follow Tweeters, and other Tweeters can follow you. You can post comments about anything that takes your fancy, as long as it's 140 characters or less. (OK, if you want to get really technical, there are ways to post longer Tweets.) Your followers see you comments and if you give them a tag (the comments, that is) anyone searching for that subject can also see your comments.
So the other night I had a hilarious exchange or two with a few Twitter friends about our Twitter habits.  Safe to say it made some of us look a bit anal!
For example, when most people Tweet, they use shortened words, (much like texting), so that they can get their point across in 140 characters or less. I notice that if I have extra characters left at the end of my Tweets, I go back and lengthen all the shortened words into their proper spellings!
Or, if I know I"m going to be Tweeting right down to the character limit, I try to land right on the zero, or as near to it as possible. Beating my personal best, as it were. It's very satisfying when you finish and see that "0", meaning that you nailed an exact 140 characters! I imagine Olympic gymnasts must feel similarly satisfied when they stick the landing after hurling themselves off the asymmetric bars.
Someone mentioned that they have been known to delete a published Tweet if they see a spelling error. Oh yes, a thousand times yes! You can't let that go!
Personally, if I make a comment that comes in the wrong place in the conversation thread, I have been known to delete for fear of looking like a complete idiot!
Anyone care to add their little Twitter penchants?

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