Books Magazine

What Writing Everyday Taught Me #WriteAPageADay #pebbleinwaterswrites @blogchatter

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

What did writing everyday taught me?  I think many new things have emerged in this one month.  I found it very exciting when Blogchatter announced #WriteAPageADay.  And when I came to know that it is also giving one topic for every day, then it seemed that it is icing on the cake. It was quite easy deal, I thought. You just have to look at the topic of every day and cook a story on it.  This will be a very easy task, it seemed initially.  But, after a few days I soon realized that it was like a mousetrap and I was caught in it like a mouse. Well, when I had jumped in the river, it had to be crossed somehow. There was no point in giving up on between.

What Writing Everyday Taught Me #WriteAPageADay #pebbleinwaterswrites @blogchatterPhoto credit: jean louis mazieres on VisualHunt

Now, the routine was about seeing day's topic in the evening, thinking about it, first in the mind, and then writing the story and then publishing it.  While doing all this, it used to be time to sleep and at times it seemed that some more hard work could have been done in today's subject.  Then, I made a change in it.  I started seeing day's topic in the morning and then thinking about it all over during the day while finishing my other tasks.  In this way, a good story would get cooked in time by the evening.  Now, a new fun and adventure has come in this game.  Although, we had the freedom to write our own without holding on to the suggested topic.  But, what I took it as a challenge accepting the title suggests for each day.

In this way, I found something different in it.  And, with that fun came a new addiction.  An enthusiasm and confidence also came along with it.  I really and thoroughly enjoyed it the whole month. Along with all this, a new discipline was also invented.

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