Fashion Magazine

What Would Tory Give: Robinson E-Reader Case

By Covethercloset @covethercloset
November 19, 2012

What Would Tory Give: Robinson E-Reader Case

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If you spent the money to buy an e-reader like a Nook or Kindle, you should probably take another additional and oh-so fashionable precaution and protect it with a Tory Burch Robinson E-Reader Case.  I love the color of this case  Turquoise is basically a beautiful color that works during all seasons!  A girl can dream.  I imagine myself in first-class on a business trip sipping a martini and pulling out my Tory Burch case to settle in for a good read.

Written by covethercloset Posted in Accessories, Celebrity Style, Designer, Gift Guide, Purse, Tory Burch, Trend

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