
What Will Happen If Trump Wins Again? – Why It’s Important for American People?

Posted on the 30 September 2020 by Aamritri
What Will Happen if Trump Wins Again? – Why it’s important for American People?

Trump is 1st president in history who is considered as a Leader not a politician in America. Read all the important points why he must-wins & millions of silent majority can play an important role.


Winning of Trump is very important for the USA but what will happen after he wins? Below is a list of some of the important points which I discuss with you people. The main purpose of this article is to explain the importance of Trump's victory. All Biden lovers will hate this article and it's important for everyone to share on social media like "Echo on Parler" or "ReTweet on Twitter" to show your support. Its 1st article in the Election series but you will see many more soon to explain USA politics.

1- Enemies United to Reject the Results

First of all Biden and his followers may reject results and start crying. All media & popular news channels will surely support them. There are billions of dollars that secretly spending by enemies of Trump who don't want him to win again. Trump is becoming more leader than a politician and his vision is very important for America. People already understand it and showing their support for it.

When Trump will win again, Biden, Media, people from different societies & establishments who want to control Trump may work together to prove him failed. These are very important forces that are the biggest threat to "Make America Great Again" & "America First" visions. Prepare for it and their main purpose is to defeat Trump in the first place.

2- Strong action Against BLM

Trump is against this terrorist group and you will see more strict actions against them. BLM becomes a threat to America every day because of their Violent behavior. Patriots already can see the importance of Trump's actions because they know every incident where a black man gets killed make BLM more popular. It's possible for BLM to create this kind of false flag incident in the future to get more followers.

Giving these people more chances to spread is dangerous to the country. But Biden and his followers may not do what is necessary to save America. BLM is not strong now but they are growing in numbers with more support every day. Trump and patriots understand this threat, planning to control it before its too late.

3- More strict Policies Against Illegal Immigrants

Illegal immigrants are a big problem for every country. Millions of Immigrants are stealing the jobs of American people already. Biden plans to make too many people legal as USA citizens. Millions of the USA people lost their jobs because of the Corona Virus but thousands of jobs which are available are given to these people. Illegal people are working on more cheap rates compare to local people. Its reasons are most welcomed by large companies but what about local common people & their jobs?

Trump already understand this threat of these people and want to take serious action against them. After Trump wins, he will only allow skilled people to become part of the USA using legal methods. But if he is not able to win, people will lose their hope. Trump wants to get rid of these people and Biden plans to make them legal to avoid troubles created by them.

4- No more Lockdown & Succesful Policy Against Corona Virus

Everyone knows about Corona and its effect all over the world. Lockdown is not the solution to stop it, there are some examples all ready for the world. Thousands of people all over the world are dead after strict lockdown, millions of them lose their jobs. It's possible that people may start to die from hunger in poor countries more compare to Corona after the 2nd wave in winter.

Millions of American people understand it & they support Trump on his decision to not putting full lockdown again. If Biden wins, he will surely put complete lockdown. Trump wants to make everything normal & start adding millions of jobs for common people. But Biden just cares about fake stats which are produced every day all over the world. Most deaths from other diseases are also added in Corona numbers everwhere.

5- No More Wars for 4 Years

There was no war in the last 4 years as Trump fulfill all promises. His vision to stop endless wars & focus on making America great again is very popular. America spent over 2 trillion dollars for just one war in Afghanistan & everyone know that most of this money was lost to Corruption. Some powerful people in America especially companies who make weapons want the USA to start another war.

Sometimes war is necessary like it was important for America to attack Afghanistan after 9/11. But wasting Trillion dollars was a big mistake & this money should be spent on common people. Its already a long time with no war & some forces wants to begin another war anytime soon. This is the reason all media spread hate for Trump and try to present his bad picture to everyone.

6- Strong Actions Against China Plans

China's plans to become the next superpower are already reveled because of their actions. Trump started a trade war with them to make a balance on both sides. Chinese already build huge industries and they are looking for markets but America sets an example for others to trade on balance level with China.

The war between China & America will happen soon or later but complete policies of the USA can change in Biden wins. He can start another war in different parts of the world & that's will divide America's focus to prepare for China.

7- Creation of Millions of Jobs & Promote Local Industry

Trump wants small industries to grow & America must become a country similar to China. These days China is earning trillions of dollars from trade & covering too many countries all over the world already. If Trump wins, you may see too many new industries build by creating millions of jobs which is good for everyone.

Why America can't become the biggest exporter to the world like China? Everyone in America will get a job & secure future after America starts producing for the whole world. But its only Trump vision, not Biden. It's possible that Biden may stop the trade war with China.


These are only a few important points which are explaining what will happen if Trump wins?. You will see another article about what will happen if Biden wins soon. Vote Trump and avoid the main media channel because they just promote hate for him. Suggest Parler to your friends and family because its a popular place for truth.

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