I would like to think this will end soon. But it will probably go on as long as Putain remains head of Russia's government.
This will signal the end of the US's and Russia's aspirations to be "Superpowers". Especially as long as the US duopoly retains control with the "partisan divide". Both nations will need to become true multi-party democracies to be anything but irrelevant.
Both US and Russia have lost face as countries which are effective at "protecting the world". Russia can't even militarily defeat a smaller country next door: how can it defend the world. The same sort of applies to the US.
China is sitting this out, but sees how the world can band together to weaken a "strong" country.
I see there being multinational alliances, or at least a strengthening of those alliances. The European Union and United Nations will become more important. Although, I see the UN having a radical reworking so that one nation cannot have veto power the way Russia did.
Superpowers and Oligarchs will have to become a thing of the past.
But there will have to be more cooperation and working for peace. This war is coming too close to causing nuclear anihilation.
The ultimate upshot is that there need to be a radical rethink of the world's power structure and the root causes of this crisis.