Lifestyle Magazine

What We're Loving - Maple Hill Creamery Creamline Yogurt

By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblog
Maple Hill Creamery serves up yogurt that is not only great tasting, but also great for you! Their delicious Creamline Yogurt is made from organic milk from 100% grass-fed, cows. Living in a time when we barely know what we are consuming, Maple Hill Creamery is a welcome change. I was very eager to try this yogurt because the packaging is simple yet artistic and eye-catching.
What We're Loving - Maple Hill Creamery Creamline Yogurt
When I opened the European-style yogurt, there was a layer of cream on top known as the "Creamline", hence the name of the yogurt. This cream on top of the traditionally tart, full-fat, barely-sweet, smooth yogurt, is the result of a layer of milk fat that naturally rises to the top during the yogurt's cooling and culturing process.
What We're Loving - Maple Hill Creamery Creamline Yogurt The cream on top is natural - just stir and enjoy!
You don't usually see this naturally occurring process in other yogurt brands, because when theirs is being processed, they remove it for aesthetic reasons.
What We're Loving - Maple Hill Creamery Creamline Yogurt The cream on top of the yogurt.
Once the yogurt is stirred, its ready to eat! The first thing I noticed with the first taste was the tartness. The flavor is somewhere between regular and Greek yogurt. I did not find the pungent tang to be overwhelming, although it did stand out. The vanilla flavor itself was not overpowering, which allowed every aspect of the yogurt to shine through.
Maple Hill Creamery Creamline Yogurt has a very smooth and luxurious texture that I really enjoyed. I like the distinct flavor, and can definitely taste a difference between Maple Hill Creamery and other non-organic brands. Grass-fed cows make a huge difference, not only in the meat of the cow itself, but the milk it produces as well. Maple Hill Creamery's yogurts make for  a great nutritious snack. I'm looking forward to trying their other flavors! Have you tried Maple Hill Creamery? What is your favorite flavor?

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