Life Coach Magazine

What Warrior Taught Me About Forgiveness…

By Tombasson @tombasson

Every year my church does a series called “God in the Movies”, where we look for elements of truth – God’s truth – in the stories around us. This year I got to preach on the film Warrior, starring Tom Hardy, Nick Nolte, and Joel Edgerton.

Warrior has been described by critics as heartbreaking and emotionally satisfying, an unapologetic powerhouse of emotional conflict, and a rousing ode to redemption, reconciliation and the power of the human spirit. For me personally, the film is far more than just a “fighting” film, but rather delves into the muddy depths of relationships and family, and uncovers along the way what true forgiveness is all about.

It reminded me that there is always hope that things can get better, that healing is always possible, and that when it comes to family relationships, they’re always worth fighting for.

If you would like to hear my full message, just click on the video to play.

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