If my mom were a pair of shoes she would have a shiny red sole and a skyscraper heel. Here are just a few reasons why my mom is the Louboutin of mums:
My mom is not just a mum, she’s my cleaner, my ironing lady, my house sitter, my shopping partner, my mid week lunch date, my life coach, my financial advisor, my nutritionist, my partner in crime, my inspiration and my very best friend. She’s the person that I call just to say ‘I feel sad’ or ‘how do I cook this poached egg?’ and she is the person who listens to my long and boring blogging stories and cheers me on with gusto even though she doesn’t really get it.
I like to treat my mom on Mother’s Day as it is her only day off from mom duties, which I have to say she takes very seriously. Every year she continues to surprise me with her hilarious habits that make her the fabulous human being that she is.

The sixty minute makeover: My mom has a key to my apartment and each time I go away for a night she will sneak in and turn my messy flat into something that rivals a Laura Ashley showroom. Unbeknown to me, my mom will be replacing my bathmats and towels with plush fluffy ones and stocking my fridge full of M and S goodies. She will take all of my washing home, do approx. 123 loads of washing and then begin an ironing marathon before making a start on those extra special pieces that are hand wash only. She will then return to my flat put away my laundry and then proceed to iron all of the clean clothes in my wardrobe including my knickers and socks. Only then will she tackle the dust bunnies with Henrietta the hover before dashing to Laura Ashley to pick up some beautiful bedding and a couple of new coat hangers because I was running low. And that’s only the start.

The best surprises: She once flew across the globe to surprise me for my birthday in LA even though I was coming home from my travels in 2 weeks. She spent 8 hours on a plane and six hours in Paris airport alone before arriving at the W Hotel looking like she had been doing nothing but relaxing on a beach for 12 weeks instead of me. She totally gatecrashed the last week of my LA experience but it was probably the most memorable part of my trip and the most fun. My mom came to LA and beat me hands down at having the best holiday ever. She drank me and my BFF under the table, she shared vodka shots with people on neighboring sun loungers and achieved a better tan than me in just 7 days. (Our new American friends nicknamed her Lobster Pat).

The Odd Habits: On a full moon you will find my mom stood outside ‘changing her money over’ (shaking her purse) whilst gazing at the moon. This is supposed to be lucky and ‘brings the money in’. She believes in cosmic ordering or putting notes on every cupboard door in the kitchen as I call it. You are supposed to get what you ask for and in our house there are lots of little post its with requests such as ‘Please let me be on Deal or No Deal’ or ‘I NEED to lose 3 stone this week’.
My mom supports me in everything I do, from moving out of my rented apartment and breaking my tenancy after a week due to a couple of spiders to the one million billion doctor appointments that I go to for serious things like spots and chapped lips. She takes me to Betty’s and helps me make important cake fueled decisions like whether we should take up Zumba or just go to a boot camp in sunny Spain.
Here is what I would buy my Mum if I won the lottery.

A Spa Week at Champneys: My mom is 64 this year and there’s no denying she looks good. She is always trying new diets and exercise regimes and I know she has always wanted to try the posh facial and lettuce leaf diet aka the Mother and Daughter package at Champneys Spa.

A Trip to the Seychelles: My mom is a jetsetter but the Seychelles is a place she refers to as her ‘favourite’ place, not because she has been but because she has always wanted to go.

A Porshe:My mom likes to pose and her little white Kia does limit posing potential slightly.

Dinner at The Ivy: Just another box to tick on mum’s bucket list.

A Date with George Clooney: Did I mention my mom is single? If I won the lottery I would send my mom on a date with George. Not George but want to date my mum? Only Men with yachts and diamond mines need only apply.
Happy Mother’s Day! x.x.x