Source: It wasn’t long ago that Matt Birk was a 310-pound NFL center sporting a cut on the bridge of his nose and varicose veins. Now just about eight months into his retirement, Birk is trying to become a model. He’s lost an incredible 75 pounds and 10 inches from his waist. Frankly, he looks like he’s ready for an episode of “Baywatch.” Birk is in the running to be the next Vi Model, which would feature him on the cover of The Challenge Magazine 2014 and turn him into the poster boy for Body By Visalus, a company that has the ultimate mission of ending obesity.

How freakin’ jacked is Birk? Most athletes take some time off after the end their playing career. Retirement usually means spending some time sitting on the couch and relaxing. Matt Birk basically decided that was the dumbest thing ever. Birk has been exercising from the jump in an effort to become a model, weird right? Except he’s doing it for a cause, so it makes it at least a little bit better. Working toward ending obesity is like trying to teach a chick how to drive. It’s not going to work, but you’ve got to put the effort in so you can say you tried.
I applaud Matt Birk for basically being a BAWSE. Guy got himself super fit just months after winning a Super Bowl and retiring. Not bad, not bad at all.