Fashion Magazine

What’s Your Best Neutral – Grey Hair

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

After my posts on finding the best neutrals for blondes, and brunettes, you women who have gray hair wanted a post, so here it is!

If you have been warm, you most likely will gray in a warm manner, and suit warmer more taupe or greenish shades of gray.  But that said, some people as they age change from warm to cool colouring, particularly as they go grey, they lose those warm pigments in their skin and hair and swap to the cool side of the undertone continuum.

If you are cool you will gray in a cool manner to a silver color.


Finding Your Neutrals - Grey Hair
Finding Your Neutrals – Grey Hair by imogenl featuring a tweed jacket

Greys differ, there are cooler and warmer versions, some are more blue or purple (cooler) whilst others are more green, yellow or brown (warm).  Choose your gray wisely, as the right ones will look great, the wrong ones can sap you.

Remember, you can always wear a color that is similar to your eye colour:

  • Brown eyes, wear brown
  • Blue eyes, wear navy
  • Green eyes, wear olive or forest green (depending on your shade of green)

More information on the different kinds of greys and how to match gray with other colours check out this post.

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