Debate Magazine

What's the Point of Making a Computer with Only Two USB Ports?

Posted on the 15 August 2020 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

I had to upgrade my tech at the start of lockdown for Zoom meetings and so on. The online reviews said it only had three USB ports, it turns out it only has two.
So I bought two 4-into-1 USB ports for £12 each and now have 8, which is plenty, I don't need to unplug one thing to plug in something else. But it looks a right mess.
The question is, it can't cost more than £10 to make a computer which had eight or ten USBs to start with, so why don't they? If they'd offered two otherwise identical PCs, one with two and one with ten USBs, then I would have happily paid an extra £30 or £40 for the one with ten USBs, just because it's tidier and more convenient. Everybody's happy.
What's the point of making a computer with only two USB ports?
The round black thing with the green light is the one-off and volume control for the excellent Logitech speakers which I had to buy (for about £50) because the inbuilt ones are crap, fair enough, it's a very small box (that's it in the picture) with no room for proper speakers. I can see the commercial logic of that.

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