Charity Magazine

What’s That New Song on the Radio? Find out with Shazam RED Only $1.99

Posted on the 02 December 2011 by Steveliu @charitablegift

find unknown song lyrics and names with shazam

How many times have you heard a song on the radio, only to miss what the name of the song is?

If you haven’t heard of it yet, Shazam is an amazing piece of software for the iPhone or iPad where you can hold your phone or tablet up to the song that’s playing. A few seconds and *shazam*, it’ll tell you the name of the song, the artist, and even give you a link to buy it. It’s a great tool to have and to pull out at any time, especially when you’re getting on in years and forgetting stuff.

I’ve used Shazam countless times. It’s not perfect–the song has to be in Shazam’s database, which has almost every popular song imaginable, but is hit-or-miss on classical music. Still, I’ve found it to be hit more than miss. It’s a great tool to have and to pull out at any time, especially when you’re getting on in years and forgetting stuff.

There’s a special edition of Shazam where 20% of the purchase price will go to fighting the scourge of AIDS as part of the (PRODUCT) RED program. In honor of World AIDS Day (which was yesterday), Shazam will be selling (Shazam) RED all this week (until the 7th) at the reduced price of $1.99. And 100% of the proceeds for this week will be going to (PRODUCT) RED.

In addition, when people add a pledge of action to the (2015)QUILT, an online effort to bring the number of babies born with AIDS to zero, they’ll receive a choice of one of the six (RED) songs by The Killers for free as a thank you. and are invited to buy the other singles or the entire (RED) Christmas EP, with proceeds going to fight AIDS.

It’s a great tool to have and to pull out at any time, especially when you’re getting on in years and forgetting stuff.


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