Summer used to mean a whole three months break from school where we could spend the day doing whatever outdoor activities we could think of; lemonade stands, days at the pool, flying kites at the park—anything! In summer, the days are longer and the weather is warmer and as children, we didn’t have a care in the world or a single place we had to be. Sadly, as we grow up our summers disappear. Sure, it’s still the same season it always was, but we can no longer afford to skip town for months at a time or even just for the day simply because the weather is nice.
However, there is still a way to catch that little bit of summer relaxation no matter if you have a vacation planned or not. Summer is my favorite season to read in—whether I’m sitting at the beach, on my sunny balcony or even just with the warm breeze coming into my living room, reading in the summer is a quick way to feel like you’re getting away, even if only mentally.

I also use summer to get my “quick” and “easy” reads in. Instead of pouring over the novel that has me on the edge of my seat the whole time (which I read when I’m cozied up by my fireplace in the winter, knowing that I don’t have anywhere else to be), I prefer light reads during the summer because I know that the weather and other activities will distract me. Magazines and fashion books are some of my favorites because there are no plots to keep up with or chapters to finish—you just read for the enjoyment of reading and of fashion!
While growing up and going through school there were always books and novels we HAD to read during the summer to keep our minds alert and thinking. But now I have the chance to create a summer reading list all my own! And after reading these three little fashion books, I personally think these should make it onto your summer reading list as well! So grab your favorite summer refreshment and enjoy!

For all of those panicky moments when you look at your closet full of clothes and STILL have no idea what to put on, What to Wear, Where will be your saving grace! Written by the founders of the website Who, What, Wear, this little guide book explains what thought needs to go into each outfit on a case-by-case basis from weddings, job interviews, graduations, to something as simple as what to wear on rainy days or when you’re running errands. I personally love how real this book gets—they consider body type, budget, and using the same article of clothing in numerous outfits. Again, another fun reference book that you can either pick up and finish in a day or reference whenever you are having an outfit dilemma!

This is a classic! Not only do I feel as though every woman should read it, but every woman should own this! Originally written in 1954, Christian Dior himself gives the classic tips and trade secrets of fashion. Every time I read this (or even just an excerpt from it) I feel as though it is almost outdated. However, I say almost outdated, because there are certain things in fashion that will always be relevant and truly what fashion is all about. It was because of names and fashion houses like Dior that we have such a huge, inspiring fashion industry today! The Little Dictionary of Fashion takes you from A-Z covering not only fashion related terms, but words that relate to fashion, such as elegance and zest, which are things that never go out of style!

If you’ve read The Devil Wears Prada or watched Sex and the City, you will love this fashion comedy! This fictional tale pokes fun at the world of high fashion all while giving a rather accurate description of how that world really works. It is all about who you are, who you know and who you wear! But my favorite part of this book is not really part of the story at all. The author includes a glossary of new terms and industry lingo that is just as funny to read on its own! Witty and light, this is a great novel for any fashion enthusiast who can take the time to laugh at herself, because let’s face it—that’s what fashion is! An ever changing, expensive, artistic yet material hobby we have (some of us worse than others).
What summer books, whether about fashion or not, are on your summer reading list? Any must-reads???