Anyways, I feel as if we haven't caught up on sleep, cleaning or much else since we had so much company over a few weeks ago to celebrate my big 30th birthday. While I love our normal routine, it is nice to have friends and family over and I'm already getting anxious seeing my family again soon towards the end of September!

I can't believe August is almost over which means September is right around the corner-- anyone know what's happening in September? Well, my best friend's wedding for sure and also a huge 10 day vacation to Austria and Germany with my family! I'm going to be taking my laptop with me to document our time over there ( EEKS! ) but I'm also looking for guest bloggers as well! If you're interested in writing a guest post ( and I'd LOVE to have you! ) shoot me an e-mail and we'll chat/schedule something--> [email protected] !
Well that's all my friends! I'm heading out after work to catch a private screening of a movie with my best friend and I can't wait to share with you what it is next week! No I'm not in the movie like Captain America, however you guys really have me convinced that I should get some more extra gigs and take you along with me via Snapchat/Instagram stories ;) So glad you loved all of it!