Louboutin's red sole
I can’t put all the 12 art pieces in thispost because is too much information and photos and it can be booriingg hahaand that’s not the point, so I’m showing only my first work - in a future Iwill post the rest and also photos of my exposition-. My starting point was the Disney movie, Cinderella –HUGE FAN of all Disney movies, don’t care ifthey are childish haha- soo I’ve decided to recreate the crystal shoe, whichwas practically another character from the movie. I took inspiration in two major shoedesigners, first one Mr. Christian Louboutin. I decided to make a redefinitionof the red sole of his shoes. The sole of my shoe is purple –my favorite color-because it’s a color that inspires magic and fantasy, elements of all fairytales, and also diferent pulls claime this is the favorit color of 75% ok litlle kids -it's a children movie-.The spanish, Manolo Blahnik was my othershoe designer inspiration. He studied architecture in Ginebra, and thatbackground knowledge it’s found in the majority of his shoes, so that alsoencourage me to investigate more about spanich arquitecture, which lead me toAntoni Gaudi -he is catalan, same as me :)-. So following the steps of Mr. Blahnik I designed a shoe withsome of the characteristics of the modernist arquitecture of Gaudi using themosaic, his signature style, but I mustconfess that when I was doing all this investigations I completely lost myselfand my principle inspiration haha, so I had the idea to make the mosaic allover the shoe, but in pieces of mirror, which is a material similar to crystal–the original material of the initial inspiration shoe- but in the other hand it gives a modern and contemporaneouslook at the shoe.

Work Process...

Work Process...

Work Process..
I MUST CONFESS!!! In the beginning Ithought this would be easy to make, but hell noo hahah the shoe is really bigand literally took me over a year to finish, but I was so pleased with thefinale results, I mean the shoe is really amazing. HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
