It is up to you to decide whether to watch or recommend. I hope you don't. God doesn't compromise His standards and His word says not to mess with His word!
"as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures."(2 Peter 3:16)
"But you must not mention 'a message from the LORD' again, because each one's word becomes their own message. So you distort the words of the living God, the LORD Almighty, our God." (Jeremiah 23:36)
Underline is mine. When you mess with the word, you're messing with Jesus--
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God." (John 1:1-2)
Chris Rosebrough

Here is Glenn Chatfield's list. (Used with permission). He wrote that despite producer Scott Franklin's claim that “I think we stayed very true to the story and didn’t really deviate from the Bible”,
"Regardless of such a claim, from the reports I've read I’ve acquired some information as to unbiblical problems with “Noah.” And these don’t even include the fact that it was primarily an extremist enviro-nazi propaganda piece." Here is Mr Chatfield's list:
1. Only one son takes his wife on the Ark in the movie, while in the Bible all three sons had wives with them.
2. Noah decides who will be worthy board the Ark, while in the Bible it is GOD who chooses.
3. The son with the wife has twin daughters, which are perhaps supposed to be the future wives of the other two sons.
4. Noah seeks advice from his grandfather Methuselah to understand a vision by God; this never happened. Apparently in the movie Noah really never understands God.
5. Methuselah is shown to be sort of a witch-doctor with mental health issues.
6. Noah has no concern for the people who will be killed in the flood, but the Bible says he was a “preacher of righteousness,” which would make his lack of concern out of character.
7. When Noah learns that his son’s wife is expecting, he says if it is a girl she should be killed because God doesn’t want to repopulate the world. Yet in the Bible we find that repopulation is exactly why Noah and his family — all eight of them — are saved.
8. A wounded man cuts his way into the Ark and eats animals to stay alive as a stowaway, and even tries to kill Noah. The Bible says no one but the eight of Noah’s family were on the Ark, and none of the animals died on the journey.
9. Noah teaches theistic evolution to his family while on board the Ark.
10. The “nephilim” are giant rock-creatures, help Noah build the Ark, and defend the Ark in battle.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I know we become so excited when we hear reports of a new movie or television show coming out which claims to present our Jesus and His word in a God-honoring way. But we live in a fallen world, and those who are not saved cannot present anything but lies. (Psalm 14:4, 2 Corinthians 3:14). Even those who are saved and who use these important media outreaches to share the Gospel often stumble because it is a time of apostasy, lack discernment, or won't endure sound doctrine. Compromises are the order of the day. Please, in our love for Jesus and eagerness to share Him with the lost, let's remember it is equally important to retain strict standards regarding His Gospel and His word. The best apologetic I've come across regarding the mantra 'Even if it is flawed, let's use it anyway, God can do anything' is Sunny Shell's, regarding the event that started all this last year, The Bible miniseries on The History Channel:
"Even though there's a lot of error in this movie, still, don't you think it's a great way to show people who God really is, I mean, can't God use anything to save someone?
A. No, I don't think this movie is a great way to reveal the truth about God since it's filled with lies about God. And yes, I realize God can use anything to save someone, but He only chose to use the message of the true Gospel to save all men (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). Nowhere in Scripture does God command or allow His children to use the work of Satan to proclaim His truth. And God is clear, anyone who denies Him and defiles His holy character or word, works for the devil, not for God.
Since the beginning of time, the devil has attempted to minimize and blaspheme God's holy character by lulling us to disregard His holiness, justice and righteousness. God has never called His children of light to partner with the works of darkness (2 Cor 6:15-16). As God's children, we are commanded to pursue holiness, rather than try to find a way to compromise the glory of Christ in order to "reach more people".
Reach people with the pure and unadulterated word of God. Isn't it enough? It surely is!