Family Magazine

What NOT to Bring to Disney World

By Sarahanneconnors @thenmousette
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If you are anything like me you are obsessive about bringing every item you could possibly ever need when you travel far from home. This includes enough first aid supplies for a civil war and a winter coat, on the off chance Florida gets a fluke blizzard. Trust me I understand, allow me to lighten your load a bit to allow for the hip waders we both know you are trying to squeeze into your carry on.

5. Fancy Smancy Camera Equipment- My husband, Mouskedad and I disagree here, but as in all things I win (Its my blog after all). Unless you are a professional or amateur enthusiast, leave the tripods home. If you are not accustomed to your camera a simple point and shoot will suffice. This will allow you to experience your memory making as it happens instead of through the viewfinder of the camera your not sure how to use. For those extra magical moments (Like in front of the Castle) there is always a friendly Disney Photopass cast member with the best shot already lined up just waiting for you!

4. Large Bookbags for the Parks- I know, I know, where will you ever fit that arsenal of “just in case” items? Keep it simple and pack only the essentials in a small lightweight bag or (GASP) a fanny pack. If your taking older children everyone should have a bag, alleviating the “Mom can you put this in your bag?” argument. It will also make you think twice about souvenirs if you have minimal room.

3. High Heeled Shoes- When deciding what shoes to wear to Disney, think COMFORT. If that means stilettos than power to you, but in my experience you will do more walking in one day at a Disney Park (Especially Epcot) than an entire month of normal life.  My Birkenstocks (sandals) may not be the prettiest things, but at the end of the day I don’t have to sleep in a warm bathtub to be able to feel my feet


2.Guidebooks- I love a good Disney read as much as the next fanatic. Save time and space by doing your research before you go. Use these to make  a plan for the day and put that plan, with any tidbits about the parks, in your phone.

1. A Frown- Let’s face it; no one likes a party pooper. You will see adults in mouse hats, tiaras and Mickey sweatshirts from 1988. Kids will be donning fairytale dresses and pirate outfits. It is a magical place where we can all leave real life for a while and just have fun. Get swept up in some Pixie Dust, I promise it will not kill you! Unless of course you are allergic, then try Dole whip. I hear it has the same effect.


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