Lifestyle Magazine

What Marketing Tactics Your Competitors Have That You Need

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

The new decade is about to arrive and marketing is becoming complex and advanced more than ever. It is very likely that the marketing tactics you used five years ago won't be applicable today. The good news is that the internet makes it easy to find the latest marketing hacks that almost everyone is doing.

What Marketing Tactics Your Competitors Have That You Need

If you haven't been seeing any significant growth in your business in awhile, here are the newest marketing tricks you should try. You don't want to get left behind because your top competitors are using these tricks too!

Content was king and it's still king. You're probably already aware of this if you've done some for your website. People are after content and it's content you should give them.

This aligns with demand generation marketing where you create awareness for your brand via nurturing and educating the customer.

Instead of sending them loud and direct marketing messages, you want to hold their hand and teach them about your industry, what to look for in the type of product you're selling, and why they should pick you over another brand. So by the time they are ready to make a purchase decision, they will buy from you.

This is essentially what content marketing is all about as well. You think of the buyer's journey and come up with content that answers their questions, doubts, and inquiries along the way.

So if you've been slacking on your content lately, now is the time to straighten it up!

You don't need to be producing viral YouTube videos every week but you do need to create video content for your online platforms every now and then.

Video outperforms other forms of content and they keep the user engaged for longer. If you want more eyes on your product, do it with video. Utilize social platforms like , , Youtube, , etc.

3] Artificial Intelligence

AI is expected to take over chatbots in the coming years. You probably already have a live chat on your website but is it AI?

Artificial intelligence live chat makes an incredible addition to your business is it's available 24/7, continually learns from interaction, makes little error compared to a human, and can perform multiple tasks all at once. Consider investing in an AI chatbot and use your human resources for more higher thought tasks.

To really reach your customers, you need to implement personalization in your marketing strategy. It can be something as simple as addressing their by their name in your email newsletter or recommending them products that are similar to their previous purchase.

It doesn't seem like much but these little tweaks via customization really goes a long way in making the buyer feel good about using your product or service.

5] Influencer marketing

Don't think that influencer marketing is just for big brands. Whether you're a small business or a mid-sized one, you can use influencer marketing and it's a very effective way to drive more sales. You don't need a six figure budget to get someone with a million followers to mention you. Sometimes, smaller is better.

What Marketing Tactics Your Competitors Have That You Need

In your case, you want to get a micro-influencer who has just enough following and engagement that they can bring more eyes to your brand.

This is relatively new but it's quickly gaining momentum among big brands. Since everyone is on social media nowadays, it makes sense to have your products be easily buyable from your social media page. This is what Instagram allows business accounts to do.

Explore this feature and feel free to apply it on other platforms as well. For example, you can include buyable links on your existing YouTube channel or put up your products on Facebook marketplace.

Which of these marketing tactics are you going to try first? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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