Image By Huhu.Huhu via Wikipedia
As we all know, each foreign language has its own funny side. Whether it could be English, Spanish, or even German, people can tend to laugh at it because the language in itself really has a funny side.
And there is actually no exception when it comes to German language. Not only that this idiom is funny because a person can crack a joke using the language, but the features that German language has is what makes the language funny.
That is according to a stand-up comedian named Henning Wehn to which according to BBC, he takes a humorous look as to what is so funny about German language. Interested in knowing the details? Here are the lists:
Telling the time
According to the comedian, punctuality is really a highlight among Germans. That’s why if you do not know how to tell the time using German language, it will leave you in an hour of disappointment.
Gender bender
Germans are actually very specific in detailing genders, added by Henning When once again. According to him, Germans don’t only highlight genders among male and female but also to other things as well. As what he explained, even tables are considered male among Germans and pretzels as female. I wonder how and why German language put it that way, hmm…
How to be polite
Could you believe that simple gestures like handshaking, gazing, and even cheek kissing has something to do with German culture? Yes, all languages have differences in simple gestures and how each are interpreted by each culture, and mind you, one simple gesture can either be very humorous or offensive to a particular culture.
Long and winding words
In English, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the famously known as the longest word according to Oxford dictionary. But as far as German language is concerned, it actually has a 60-odd letter word that really seem wanting to catch attention. Would you dare to read this in just one reading? Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz. Now that is amazing.
So if ever you are interested to know more about the funny side of German along with its language and culture, I suggest that you avail German games online. This is one of the most enjoyable ways to learn language.