Business Magazine

What It’s Really Like to Marry Your Best Friend

Posted on the 21 March 2015 by Andreaantal @andreaeantal
What it’s really like to marry your best friend

My husband and I have been married for almost five years, but we've been friends for almost 18. Every so often, people comment on how they admire our relationship because of the way we interact. My simple response is, "I married my best friend," and that is how our relationship started - as friends, not lovers.

Here's what it's like to be married to your best friend, which, for us, makes our married life that much sweeter.

Our past is not a secret

Most people don't want to hear or even know about their significant other's past - their exes, debaucheries, faux pas, and the like. But having those experiences helps to build you into the person you are today - the person they've fallen in love with. In our case, we knew and hung out with our then-significant others. We offered each other advice and solace during past relationships. We shared most of our crazy fun (and some not so fun) nights out. We've saved each other from reckless situations, and in general, seen each other at our best and worst.

He's my "person"

When I get into a fight with a friend or relative, get myself into some kind of trouble, or even argue with my hubby, he's the person I want to talk it out with. Many of us have that person in our lives - our go-to, judgment-free sounding board for advice, or simply to clear our mind. For us, we're each other's person. Sometimes, we talk it out, and other times we sit quietly and bask in each other's company.

Home is wherever he is

We live on the other side of the world from where we were raised. Someone once asked me if I ever get homesick. The truth is, I'm never homesick as long as he's around. We could be stranded on a desert island, and as long as he's my Skipper, I know we'll be OK. Thankfully, he feels the same way about me!

He "remembers the time"

As you get older, and your circle of friends evolves, as is the case for us since we've moved around a lot, it gets harder to connect with people that you can reminisce about memories from the "good old days", or wonder "what happened to so and so." While I love creating new experiences, I cherish the memories of my past, and I'm always so thankful when I say, "remember the time ..." And he says, "yes."

He "gets" me. All of me.

Over the years, we've learned what makes the other tick and conversely, what ticks each other off. We can tell each other's mood at a glance. We love each other in sweatpants or dressed to the nines. We never feel the need to escape each other's company; in fact, we're happiest when together. We call each other out on our $#!+, and we'll always have each other's back.

I don't know about you, but if I choose to spend the rest of my life with someone, I can't think of anyone better suited than my best friend in the whole wide world.

What about you? What makes your relationship one for the record books?

What it's really like to marry your best friend

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