Are you planning to travel by car soon? Then the following article will surely interest you. We are going to share with you an important information: who would know which is the safest car seat in a vehicle in the event of an accident? Many drivers previously thought that all seats were the same. Well no, there is just one that stands out and turns out to be particularly reliable. Let’s uncover this mystery.
Back seats of the car – Source: spm
What is the safest seat in the car in the event of an accident?
This revelation comes to us directly from social networks, more precisely from Tik Tok. It was user @quickdata, with 138,000 followers, who recently shared a powerful video with the catchy title: “It’s the safest seat in the car”. No wonder it quickly went viral. Internet users were challenged by such surprising information. The investigator begins by explaining that “all modern cars are safe, but there are seats that are safer than others. And he continues: “According to some studies, the least safe seats are those of the pilot and co-pilot, followed by the left and right rear seats”. Therefore, the safest seat in cars in the event of an accident would be the rear center seat. Amazing isn’t it?
There are several reasons for this: this seat is far from the doors, in the event of side accidents, and there are no obstacles in front of it, in the event of frontal accidents. Therefore, it would indeed be the most protected and reliable seat!
This theory had also been confirmed by the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), following certain research carried out in 2019. After investigating the victims of accidents or the deaths of passengers in the back of cars , it was found that, in general, the least damaged part of the passenger compartment is indeed that which houses the middle seat.

Road accident – Source: spm
The Direction Générale de la Circulation (DGT) gives a series of instructions on how to act in the event of a traffic accident: “When an emergency arises unexpectedly, you must not let nervousness or ignorance prevent you from acting accordingly. The minutes that pass until the arrival of the emergency services are vital. It is very important to be prepared and know how to act if you are involved in or witness a traffic accident”.
Commonly, the best way to deal with this type of situation is to follow the PAS (Protect, Alert, Help) protocol:
- Protect : initially, try as best as possible to park your vehicle in a safe place 100 or 150 m away. Before going out, put on the reflective vest to warn other drivers of a problem. Report the accident with hazard warning lights and warning triangles (30 meters minimum). If possible, turn off the car’s ignition and get uninjured passengers out of the car to safety. Of course, you must not move any victims until help arrives. Try as much as possible not to change the inventory.
- To alert : once you are protected from the possible dangers of the road, do not waste time and immediately contact the emergency number to communicate your situation in a complete and precise manner. You must indicate the exact location of the accident (help yourself with markers or signs), the number of vehicles involved and their characteristics as well as the number of injured and all the information you can provide about them. If you are on a highway, use call terminals to facilitate your location and have a rapid emergency service. Otherwise, you can contact the following numbers: 15 (SAMU), 18 (Firefighters), 17 (Police) or 112 (European emergency number).
- To rescue : it is important to note that hasty action and without any knowledge of first aid can aggravate the condition of the victims. If you don’t know what to do, it’s better to do nothing. However, you can reassure the injured, try to keep them awake or cover them if they are cold. Attention, never move an injured person, except in case of risk due to an explosion or an imminent fire. But proceed with this maneuver very carefully so as not to aggravate his condition: above all, do not pull him by the limbs so as not to damage his spine and place him safely on his side, lying down with his knees bent.
After having carried out these 3 steps, all you have to do is wait for the arrival of the help who will take charge of the whole situation and do what is necessary.
Why is the passenger seat known to be the “place of death”?
The front seat next to the driver, which is often used as a co-driver’s position, is generally considered to be the “place of death” due to its infamous reputation for being where the greatest number of people died during crashes. road accidents before the introduction of current safety standards.
Read also: Leaving Your Bag On The Passenger Seat Is A Really Bad Idea: Here’s Why