Self Expression Magazine

What Is Social Proof Principle and Do You Really Need It?

By Lisa @Lisapatb
What Is Social Proof Principle and Do You Really Need It?

Do you know what really makes social proof-proof? Today the social proof principle is no longer only about how many followers you may have on the various social networks. For this reason, social proof today is much more than having many followers. Let’s look at the definition of social proof as well.

Having more followers may be useful on a social network but it’s not proof of anything anymore today. Did you know Social proof is also known as Informational Social Influence?

what is social proof and influencers?Learn how social proof can show how people have influence over others on social media.

Social influence is when people can influence other people on social media.

What Is the Definition of the Social Proof Principle?

Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others in an attempt to undertake behavior in a given situation. The term was coined by Robert Cialdini in his 1984 book Influence: Science and Practice, and the concept is also known as informational social influence – Wikipedia

This proof is an effect caused by people on other people. This makes them do something. It could be reading a post, watching a video, signing up for email, or buying a product.

Therefore, there is no doubt this proof causes them to do something when being influenced!

How Can You Prove Your Social Proof Today?

Images – Images speak volumes when it comes to proving something. People are generally visual and they love to see how and why. It’s the old saying “Pictures paint a thousand words”. Ryan Biddulph does this well on his Blogging from Paradise blog today.

social proof example

Testimonials – People rely on testimonials all the time before making purchases today both online and offline. Do you remember the last time you asked a friend for a recommendation for something? We do it all the time. According to David Melamed “The Function of a Testimonial is to Assure People They Won’t Look Like A Fool By Trusting You.  People defend their decision to trust you with the use of testimonials. They want to know others trusted you and that it worked out well for them.

Engagement – Engagement rates are key to having influence and lead to social proof. People love buying from those they trust and know. What better way than to engage with them! Engagement rates can be on social networks or right on your blog posts.

Engagements include likes, comments, replies, and shares on social networks or blog posts. (Reach is the percentage of people that actually see the posts). Your engagement rate is calculating what percentage of people who saw the post engaged with it.

Social Shares – People love landing on a page or blog post when there are a lot of social shares. It gives the impression of perceived value.

Know What Others Are Saying About You

Use a social listening tool like Brand24 so you can stay on top of what others are saying about you. There have been several times I’ve been mentioned on posts and on social media that I was not aware of.

Therefore, engage in a post that you are mentioned in. It’s a great way to display that mention or citation on your website or on your social profiles.

Create Google alerts to see if there are other mentions on the web. (But Google Alerts do NOT show you social mentions.) It’s important today to stay on top of these things as one can’t be everywhere 24/7. Everywhere online has gotten much larger in the past few years.

Show Off Your Social Proof – Social Proof Examples

Neal Scheffer does this the best!  He does it on all of his social networks.  You can see how he adds his authority to his bio. And he often changes it as he gains more authority. The more places are featured, the more highlights can be shown on his bio.

neal schaffer influencerSee how Neal Schaffer show’s his social proof.

Very smart! Likewise, think about those places that you have been featured on or mentioned. Then add them to your social profiles or about page for social proof.

You can’t share your social proof if you don’t know you have any. Remember it’s important to know what others are saying about you on social media and elsewhere.

Read what others have to say. Please Retweet your favorites right from here below!

Exactly! Social proof inspires trust, and trust is everything.

— Jennifer Bridges (@JenBridgesRD) July 26, 2022

Social proof is proof of concept. Positive 3rd party, customer or celebrity reviews wield powerful influence to drive purchase behavior.

— Rebekah Radice (@RebekahRadice) June 4, 2017

a must for all businesses. Seeing others experiences validates, creates desire (they have it, I want it) and reduces friction ???

— Mike Kawula ??? (@MikeKawula) June 4, 2017

Lisa, authenticity with who you are. Valid experience, education & other credentials that support your social presence. Provide real proof!

— Jeff Sheehan (@jeffsheehan) June 4, 2017

SP is what people say about you

— Donna Merrill (@donna_tribe) June 5, 2017

What Social Proof Can Do For You

Adds Engagement – By having some social proof (remember the definition of social proof?) you may see more engagement on the social networks and on your blog or website. People like to engage with others that are engaging. Makes sense right? It’s what I refer to as the “snowball effect” – the more social proof you have the more engagement you will get.

People Will Make Purchases – Indeed they will also make purchases from you if you can prove that an item or service will make their lives better in some way. They may read a testimonial about you or your services or products. People want to know others are buying or using your products or services.

Grow Your Audience More – Social proof will snowball once you begin to have traction with it. People love to engage with others who engage with them. No one wants to engage with someone who does not engage back. Be engaging everywhere and you will see the difference!

How To Get Your Social Proof

Of course, you may be thinking “I don’t have any social proof yet, not little ole me.”  It will take time but you can surely generate some social proof over time. No one starts out blogging or content marketing with instant social proof. (Not even Neal Schaffer, sorry Neal!).

Ask for Reviews – People don’t mind giving reviews or testimonials if you have done some great work for them. You can review Inspire To Thrive here.

Give Testimonials – Give others proof first! Don’t wait for others to give you one. Be genuine, don’t just give them for giving them. Give testimonials or reviews to your mentors.

Engage, Engage and Engage – I can’t say that one enough. Answer people’s questions on social networks and on your blog. Respond to every comment. Help people with their problems and questions.

Keep your eyes and ears open – Listen on the web. Use a social listening tool to know what others are saying about you or your brand online.

Retweet Others and Share on Other Social Networks – People love when you share their content. Hence, it will help to get their share counts up too.

Respond to every comment. Help people with their problems and questions. #socialmedia
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Over To You

I’d love to know more in the comments below on what you think the social proof principle is!

Does it really exist and do we need it? Furthermore, how do you obtain it? What is your definition of the social proof principle?

social media management toolAgorapulse’s monitoring software allows you to see every comment allowing your team to monitor social proof.

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