
What is Manipulation?

Posted on the 03 March 2020 by Samm

Low Manipulation

Low manipulation is styling that keeps the strands from being touched or handled too often, which can lead to length retention. Many low maintenance styles can be worn, for many days, with minimal or no manipulation. This can offer your hair a much-needed break from brushing, combing and also from harsh heat styling. Some low manipulation hairstyles are twist outs, braid outs, roller or straw sets, wash-n-go, mo, hawks, fro-hawks, buns, flat twists and ponytails.

Low manipulation styles generally help in maintaining a good length and can lead to thicker, stronger hair that allows you to achieve your hair growth goals. These styles are different from protective styles because this styling does not essentially mean that you tuck away your hair or cover your hair ends. There are a few easy low manipulation styles that you can depend on for your undisturbed strands. Improper manipulation and over manipulation are two bad habits that cause breakage, splitting, knotting and loss of length.

Improper Manipulation:

Improper manipulation means not grooming or handling your hair in the proper manner, for instance; rough handling, brushing aggressively, combing when your hair is completely wet, detangling the hair from root to end, using very fine-toothed combs, etc.

Over Manipulation:

Over manipulation implies, touching and managing the hair too much causing unwarranted wear and tear of the hair. A few examples of over manipulation would be, playing or touching the hair constantly, picking the ends of the hair, allowing the hair to continuously brush against the clothes, etc.

If you intend to reach your preferred hair length as fast as possible; refrain from managing your hair too often. That will decrease the interference on your hair, and leave it to do what it is supposed to do, i.e. grow longer.

By touching your hair less, you avoid wearing down your ends. You will also benefit from having healthy and strong hair. The more you style, comb, or touch your hair, the higher the chances of causing damage to it.

Even if you go chemical-free and have an excellent hair care routine, damage from over manipulation will certainly get in your way. To resolve this concern you need to be tender with your hair. If you think that you are gentle or tender with your hair and if you are
experiencing hair breakage then you are probably not being gentle enough. As stated earlier, you may want to minimize the amount of damage through less manipulation, since you cannot do away with it completely because you still have to untangle your hair, wash it, comb it and style it.

For predominantly fragile hair types you may want to lock your hair in a protective or low manipulation hairstyle. 80% to 90% of the time, and rather than detangling your hair with brushes or combs you may try finger combing as that can prevent breakage of hair due to tangles and knots.

Overall, give your hair a few months’ of good hair care to obtain considerably healthier hair growth. With some basic maintenance together with the correct combination of natural ingredients and low manipulation; you can grow your hair long effortlessly.

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