It sounds completely implausible- a man falling in love with the (software) voice of his computer. Yet the movie released in 2013 that portrays such a relationship continues to be on the most popular list. Maybe in part because it is actually believable, moving and even romantic. The main character, Theodore, has withdrawn from the world following his separation from his wife- and “She” is Sam, the sultry voice that wakes him up, organizes his life, keeps him on his schedule and even wishes him goodnight, every night. It’s easy to see how Sam comes to be the surrogate for his wife as she provides what every good and loving partner does- through communicating concern, offering nurturance, using softness- all with a strong dose of sex appeal. This gives a whole new meaning to the concept of a Stepford Wife.
Our attraction to this story and how well it resonates with us, says much about our present attitude towards relating and connecting with others. In-person conversation has given way to emailing and texting. Even when couples are in the same space (for instance at home) they often text each other rather than move to the same room to have a conversation. It’s not unusual to see a couple out at a restaurant with each on their phone, texting and/or talking to someone who is not present physically. Communicating and connecting via cyber space is convenient, requires less time and effort and leads to shallow, less personal, and even one-dimensional interactions. Even virtual sex has become a big turn-on for many as it’s quick and easy and requires no commitment, not even for the night.
Maybe that’s the core issue in this movie and why it strikes such a chord with the audience Sam fulfills his needs but asks for nothing back. She doesn’t challenge him, argue, or make demands- which can be very attractive to a guy who has shut down emotionally and feels he has nothing to give. She is a classic enabler whose presence in Theodore’s life leaves him stagnant and without any motivation to change his circumstances for the better. Will technology push us all closer to a life of emotional and even physical disconnection from one another? I don’t know about you, but this movie leaves me longing for the romantic classics with strong lead characters who were fully present and actively and passionately engaged with one another. Maybe an anecdote could be to bring back silent films- no talk, but so much interaction.