
What is Instant Coffee?

Posted on the 05 March 2021 by Chrisfranklin

Looking for an innovative and delicious approach to coffee?

Look no further than our coffee. Our instant coffee is handcrafted and sourced from 100% Arabica and green instant beans which are grown and then harvested by hand.

These coffee beans are responsibly sourced from the Chiapas Highlands, sacred Mayan lands in one of the southernmost states in Mexico.

The Chiapas Highlands’ ground is filled with nutrients which come from its volcanic soils creating powerful energy found in every brew of our instant coffee. Healthy vitality, peace, harmony, and a sense of calm power stems from the living water flowing in this region straight into your cup.

Our instant coffee provides the ease and simplicity of instant coffee while holding superior to other brands.

This fresh brewed instant coffee next to none and is carefully formulated to blend with ease with both hot and cold water. Our coffee has a rapid absorption process that is exclusive to this blend and provides not only intense flavor but also desirable health benefits. Our coffee supports healthy weight management.

woman that is drinking instant coffee

Just one cup can satisfy your appetite so you will feel fuller for longer.

This drink will also satisfy your cravings for a delectable treat. You will walk away from your cup of instant coffee feeling energized and ready to take on whatever your day has in store for you.

The positive and powerful energy you will gain from this beneficial beverage will leave a smile on your face for hours after you indulge.

Shield your body with antioxidant protection from the ingredients of our instant coffee.

These antioxidants are brewed into every batch to give you the boost you need to support a healthy and active lifestyle. Handcrafted to be healthier, this mountain green coffee will leave you invigorated and at peak performance level without the mid-day caffeine crash.

Overall, instant coffee blends provide many health benefits aside from the well-known boost of energy. Once you consume the beverage, the caffeine is absorbed into your bloodstream and from there, it travels to the brain.

Increased dopamine levels from consumption will lead to that energy boost and a smile being put on your face.

Benefits from this process also include increased memory, reaction times, and overall physical performance and vigilance. Our coffee may also increase longevity for various reasons and may also lower your risk of many conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes.

Many studies have been conducted and present evidence in favor of the reduced chances of these conditions in most.

Drinking instant coffee, especially our coffee, which provides even more enhanced health benefits should be a part of your everyday health routine.

In addition to regular exercise, a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight, a cup of instant coffee can aid in your overall health regimen.

Our instant coffee is blended so exquisitely that your taste buds will experience significantly less bitterness than in your usual instant coffee brew.

The taste, you will find, is like none other. The Arabica and green coffee beans create a balanced and smooth taste for every cup.

A little cream or milk and sugar or a flavoring of your choice is always encouraged to tickle your tastebuds but with this smooth blend, you may not even find it to be necessary!

In each carefully and mindfully crafted package of our coffee, you will find 90 servings to stir into your soul. Enjoy and indulge the health benefits of this green instant coffee bean extract knowing that with each serving, you are filling up on essential nutrients and only 3.5 calories.

Our instant coffee strives to be environmentally friendly to the lands that this magical blend is sourced from. Organic and sustainable farming practices are supported throughout the harvesting practice.

It is recognized how imperative it is to protect the land for generations to come so that this coffee made instantly can continue to be enjoyed for a long time to come.

The sources ingredients for our instant coffee are of extreme high quality and fully organic. Having such high standards for the ingredients used is to ensure the products are natural, potent, and consistent.

While sourcing these desirable ingredients, the wildlife found in the Chiapas Highlands cannot be overlooked.

The extreme protection of plants and animals that habitat the regions that also provide these instant coffee beans is maintained at all times.

The Chiapas Highlands in southern Mexico is an area known for its legacy and indigenous population.

The fast rates that the natural forest and ecological areas are declining presents numerous threats to the resource bases. Conservation and mindful efforts that are in place through these sustainable and conscious farming and sourcing practices are imperative for the longevity of this area and all it provides.

What are you waiting for?

It’s time to guiltlessly indulge in our coffee’s superiority, health benefits, and simplicity. Let this Mayan gift of nature invigorate your senses with every sip.

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