
What is Amateur Blogging Mistakes? 10 Mistakes Amateur Bloggers Should Avoid

Posted on the 28 July 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

In This Post, We’ll Talk About Amateur Blogging Mistakes

If you’re new to blogging, you might be wondering, “What amateur blogging blunders should I avoid?”

It is no longer enough to have a good concept to be successful in today’s environment. Your concept will never be realized if no one knows about it. This is why blogs are so vital for small company owners and entrepreneurs alike.

They may assist you in spreading the word about your business and establishing relationships with possible clients or partners that might otherwise go overlooked.

But that doesn’t imply they’re simple to come by—in fact, rookie bloggers frequently make a number of blunders that prevent them from achieving the success they deserve.

For many, making money through blogging appears to be the ultimate ambition. You regularly hear six-figure or seven-figure blog success tales and see bloggers touring the world while drinking a beer with a laptop on the table.

Well, it all looks a little daunting, and you’d like to start a blog as well. That does not appear to be a simple task!

Making money with a blog is a difficult process, and you must develop tactics and plans, as well as do thorough research, before providing material for your readers.

Furthermore, putting money into your site does not ensure that it will succeed. The key to success is to have no expectations. When you first start your blog, you should not expect much.

That’s what it’s all about with amateur blogging! But, if you’re thinking of establishing a blog, it doesn’t imply you shouldn’t get started.

In this essay, we’ll talk about amateur blogging and how to avoid frequent blunders.

What is the definition of Amateur Blogging?

When you blog solely for the purpose of blogging, you are engaging in amateur blogging. It isn’t designed to assist you in growing your business or establishing your own brand.

That isn’t to say that amateur blogging can’t be successful! However, the term “amateur” refers to someone who has not had professional training in an area, implying that such a blogger is extremely prone to make mistakes.

An amateur blog is typically for personal use, and the blogger has no idea how much money it makes or considers it a full-time work.

They just begin blogging and expect the internet gods to assist them, whereas in reality, you must work toward your objective and be persistent in your writing.

It must begin as a pastime. You should like doing it since it brings you pleasure. If that’s the case, why do you keep writing?

So all of your writing stems from a need to express an opinion or learn something new about a topic or anything else that comes your way, and then share it with the world.

Is earning money a necessary part of amateur blogging?

Many inexperienced bloggers begin their blogs as a full-time passive income source, anticipating larger returns within the first month. The fact is that you can’t generate money from a hobby blog. Never!

Before you begin, think about some income-generating tactics that will assist you in making money from your blog.

Let me tell you something: spreading the word about your blog and attracting an audience who is actually interested in what you do takes time. I noticed a message on Facebook a few months ago from someone who was considering leaving blogging since they hadn’t made any money in the previous few months.

But I don’t believe she’s a novice blogger! When she first started writing, she was overthinking it and wasn’t very active, which implies it would take her less time to earn a consistent revenue from her site.

Another aspect to consider is that most inexperienced bloggers anticipate to make a lot of money in a short period of time. This will not be the case. You must concentrate on the long term, and your efforts will undoubtedly pay off!

Aside from that, there are a slew of additional blunders that inexperienced bloggers may make. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of the most typical blunders made by most novice bloggers during their early blogging days.

Bloggers Should Avoid These Common Amateur Blogging Mistakes:

1) Not knowing who you’re talking to.

When you first begin blogging, you should determine what subjects are appropriate for your audience and who will be interested in reading them. You don’t need to know who your target market is, though!

When starting off with a blog, it’s not as crucial to target the correct sort of readership; this comes later after a few months of posting.

All you have to do is ensure that your blog is centered on ONE WORD that characterizes the kind of topics you cover. This can help you narrow down your target audience and understand their motivations.

2) Making use of a free platform

Using a free platform is very appealing. This, on the other hand, implies that you are not serious about your blog, and it will most likely be abandoned shortly after it is launched.

In the perspective of your viewers, using a paid blogging platform like GoDaddy or WordPress (which has its own hosting) will make you appear professional.

There are several reasons to avoid using a free platform.

To begin with, they don’t provide much in the way of customization or excellent SEO methods that you’ll need to apply to enhance your blog’s traffic. Second, managing everything from a single location is really tough.

In general, free platforms are unreliable, and there is no dedicated support. Because there isn’t much assistance accessible for free blogging sites, you’ll have to find out a lot on your own. In most circumstances, you won’t be able to fix any problems on your own.

3) Not focusing on a certain niche

It’s critical to design a blog that focuses on ONE WORD! I’ve observed a lot of inexperienced bloggers that aren’t niching down and will eventually fail.

After you’ve been blogging for at least a year, you’ll need to limit your specialty (or topic). If you haven’t narrowed it down within a year of beginning your blog, odds are you won’t be able to take it anywhere.

Reading other blogs in the same category and keeping track of what they’re doing is an excellent strategy. This will eventually assist you in narrowing down the topic for your blog.

4) Possessing a lengthy domain name

It’s important that your blog title isn’t too lengthy. It is tough for people to remember your blog, and they will ultimately abandon it!

The majority of inexperienced bloggers feel that using a lengthy domain name is a smart idea. In the long run, it will always harm your brand.

Make sure your blog title is both brief and relevant. Reading blogs in the same niche and looking at their domain names is a fantastic way to start.

The majority of bloggers utilize their own domain name. This is an excellent method for establishing a brand identity.

5) The lack of an SSL certificate

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is an acronym for Secure Socket Layer. It will safeguard your blog and ensure that data is transferred to your readers safely.

Google despises websites that do not have SSL certificates. And, after all, why not? It wants the user to go to sites that are safe and secure and devoid of viruses.

Your visitors would most likely bounce back if the domain is expired, which will affect your SEO.

It must be safe in every way so that people may put their faith in it.

Installing an SSL Certificate on your hosting account is all that is required. If this procedure becomes too daunting, there are various online tutorials that can assist you in understanding how to proceed.

6) Keeping the permalink structure the same

The majority of inexperienced bloggers overlook or are unaware of how to change the permalink format. The permalink structure by default displays plain text and may or may not contain the page.

Even if you’ve provided a sitemap, the permalink format helps crawling the website simpler for search robots.

Changing the permalinks solely at the beginning is a smart idea. Changing the structure of your blog once it has a large number of articles may result in 404 errors.

7) Writing personal blog posts

Most inexperienced bloggers wish to write about their personal experiences or their opinions on a topic. The amount of emotional impact you want to provide your material varies by topic.

Your target audience was looking for knowledge and shareable content that would make them appear like industry experts and help them expand their businesses.

Your audience should be fed material that is both useful and actionable. Avoid writing about personal or everyday topics.

8) Inconsistent posting

Regular posting demonstrates your enthusiasm for the site and the niche. It’s really difficult for people to remember your blog if you don’t publish for a month!

Even if you have fantastic material on your site, they will forget about you after a while!

If blogging is your full-time job, you must be consistent in terms of both quality and quantity of posts. This encourages people to interact with the site and fosters reader confidence.

9) Quitting too soon

It takes effort and patience to start a blog. Blogging does not happen overnight.

You must put your best foot forward on a daily basis if you want to be successful in the blogging profession. The more you practice, the more proficient you get!

People quit up far too easily, assuming that people enjoy overnight success tales and that if they haven’t succeeded after two years of blogging, then blogging isn’t for them.

The truth is that most prominent bloggers took two or three years to get their site or company off the ground. So, keep training every day to improve your skills over time!

10) Failing to incorporate SEO from the start

There is no such thing as a good or bad moment to start using SEO. It is a learning process, and you must stick to what you know while expanding your knowledge as new chances arise.

That being said, most bloggers make a few blunders that prevent them from having a solid SEO implementation from the start.

One of them is not correctly using photographs. The majority of inexperienced bloggers use a picture in their article that adds no value to the text or title.

Always hunt for something connected to what you’re writing about instead of choosing a stock photo for your graphics.

This may add value to your content while also helping you rank for the relevant keywords. If you’re using WordPress, you should utilize SEO-friendly plugins like Yoast SEO, which will take care of the hard work of properly titling and describing your photographs.

11) Failing to do keyword research

You may have the finest material in the world, resulting in a massive readership!

However, if it is not optimized for a certain search term, you will lose visitors.

The majority of inexperienced bloggers fail to conduct thorough keyword research and instead write whatever they believe is relevant. However, such logic is incorrect because you may get relevant stuff on the first page even if you just put a random term into the search box.

It is entirely up to you to decide which term should be your primary emphasis. You may utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMRush, and others, or you can just go with other suggested keywords in your area!

12) Inadequate interlinking

New bloggers have a tendency to link to other blog entries that are unrelated to the current one. This isn’t a good idea since if you switch topics too frequently, your readers will lose interest.

When there is a pertinent topic that ties to the prior post, you should always link back to it. It might be as straightforward as a “keep reading” section.

This can also help you with your SEO implementation by increasing user engagement.


If you want to have a successful blog, you should avoid making the following beginner blogging blunders.

However, if you can follow this list of dos and don’ts for beginner bloggers – especially, conducting keyword research and correctly connecting – odds are that others will find your work worthwhile enough to share!

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