Food & Drink Magazine

What Is A Typical Day Like for Someone Living with Chronic Pain

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5
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For those of you that wonder:

What is a typical day like for someone living with chronic pain?

Yesterday my friend Katie M. Golden published an article for online magazine The Mighty entitled “When Social Security Asked About My ‘Typical Day’ With Chronic Illness” in the article she perfectly sums up the imperfect world and typically non-typical day that those of us with chronic pain experience.

In her case the disease is chronic migraine and even though my disease is different the overall daily experience is quite similar. Katie was fortunate to get disability benefits which I was repeatedly denied. I was able to create my our atypical career.

Read her article and be sure to share and help us spread awareness for chronic pain conditions like chronic migraine. These illness are invisible but the pain is very real and very life altering.

Read the article here:

Katie is a professional patient, writer for, US Pain Ambassador, patient advocate, speaker, freelance writer, and blogger of


Visit US Pain Foundation to learn ways you can be an advocate for chronic pain

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