In previous times, the cigar bars were available but not praised as much as they should be. The trend of setting up proper cigar lounges became popular when the government banned smoking cigars anywhere in public locations. Then it became the need of time to set up a place where people can come and enjoy smoking without any restrictions. To accommodate this need of people, the trend of setting up cigar lounges started. And now it has become essential for most people.
True Cigar lovers know that nothing can be more pleasing to have a cigar with a glass of vine. The cigar lounge is the only place that will give a comfy and peaceful environment for the satisfaction of alcohol and tobacco craving under the same roof. Generally, the cigar lounges own a cheerful interior.
The dominating material in the interior architecture of cigar lounges is wood. The walls and floor have made of stylish wood. A countertop or bar corner available with bar attendants to serve the alcohol shot and freshly rolled tobacco. They have some leather sofa with coffee tables for sitting. All cigar flavors and their accessories do available. Most of the bars do not allow to smoke inside. That’s why now cigar lounges are becoming the only safe house to enjoy the cigars. In these times, cigar lounges are the best place to chill’ in with cigars in a peaceful environment where no irritating sounds interrupt in your privacy. Cigar lounges offer fresh and hand-rolled cigars with your choice of flavor and taste.
The cigar lounges are public spots, but you can also book them for your private events if your guests have a smoking taste.
Here is a few of the most popular cigar lounges around the globe where you can spend quality time. They embrace the standards of an elite and stylish interior with the best available products.
The Wellesly Cigar Terrace, London.
© Copyright Monkey TobaccoTynska Bar & Books, Prague.
El Floridita, Havana.
Casa Fuente, Las Vegas.
Havana Club at the Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi.
Club Macanudo, New York.
Partagas Cigar Factory, Havana.
Library Bar, Dubai.
You must go to cigar lounges in your spare time to make it quality time because what can be better than catching up with old friends in the cozy surrounding while enjoying your favorite cigar flavor in a place where no one will heckle in your solitude?