Books Magazine

What I Never Told You by @MullinsAuthor

By Pamelascott

Two women's lives collide when a husband, father, and son is accused of unspeakable crimes.

Kate thought she'd never have to set eyes on the man she blames for ruining her childhood again, but she was wrong. Teresa has always stood by her son, believing in his innocence, but the evidence is compelling. When a trial date looms a shocking event turns both their worlds upside-down, forcing them to confront their darkest fears.

Can Kate accept the past she's tried hard to forget and is forgiveness possible for Teresa, the mother of the man painted as a monster?


The problem with secrets is they always find a way to resurface, usually when you're least expecting it.


(Self-Published, 14 February 2017, ebook, 279 pages, bought from @AmazonKindle)



I was dubious about What I Never Told You due to my lukewarm feelings about Damaged. This is a much better book and the multiple narrators works really well this time around, gradually revealing how Kate and Teresa are linked. The short chapters make this a quick read and add tension and suspense. This is really gripping.

What Never Told @MullinsAuthor

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