Family Magazine

What I'm Wearing To BritMums Live 2014

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
Thanks to Nelson Arnicare on Friday I will be heading off to London and going to BritMums live. I am truly excited to meet old friends but also new friends however I am a little worried. I have very low confidence and since finding out that I was going to Britmums Live 2014 for the second year, I have been worried about what I will be wearing.
Since I had Maxwell, I have lacked confidence. Once a size 6, I am now a size 16 and I really struggle with what I wear daily. I like to follow fashion however being that little bit larger, I find that some items which I would love to wear would not suit my body type. Finding a BritMums outfit has been hard. I hate change however I felt that BritMums was a special occasion and I needed that change. Here are my outfit choices below:
What I'm Wearing To BritMums Live 2014
For Day 1 I wanted to be comfy whilst traveling but also that little bit dressier for the evening. Unfortunately this week I managed to rip my toenail off my toe and have had it bandaged for most of the week so sandals are my only shoe option at the moment as any other types of shoe are too tight for my foot. I adore the dress which I have chosen to wear, the design is pretty and I love that I have finally found a maxi dress which has arms. I am very self conscience about my arms so this dress gives me that little bit of confidence as my arms are slightly hidden. The bag I have chosen is large enough to put my bits and pieces in which I will need and is big enough to fit a cardigan in if I get cold.
What I'm Wearing To BritMums Live 2014
For Day 2, I wanted to dress down a little. I have chosen a simple top and jeans which I think will be comfy to sit in on the day but also when traveling home. Again I will be wearing sandals due to my toe and I will more than likely have a cardigan in my bag incase it gets cold. I will be using the same bag as day 1 as I see very little point in taking 2 bags.
At the present moment I adore the So Fabulous clothing range and although some of there items can be a little pricey, I find that the quality of the items are amazing and they are fit well with my body shape.
These are my outfit choices and I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else will be wearing. If you are interested in what others are wearing why not head over to the BritMums linky and have a nose? I would also love to see what others are wearing and what people think of my outfit choices.

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