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Last night, I was honored to have been asked to do a book talk at my local library in Severna Park. I gave a little background on my writing, shared my books, and talked about what it’s like to be an indie author. I said a lot. I answered questions. I was positive.
But there was much that I didn’t say…and I feel obligated to share it here. Full disclosure. Complete honesty. So, here it goes.
What I didn’t say was…
I didn’t say how hard it is to wake up every day and be consumed by what you can do to sell one book. Just one.
I didn’t say that promotions and marketing take up an inordinate amount of your time, so much time, that you often feel overwhelmed by it.
I didn’t say that you have to have a strong constitution and a wee-bit of bravery to continue to publish, purely because you love it.
I didn’t say that the hurdles are many, but you continue to attempt to scale them.
I didn’t say that you rely on the help of others, the kindness of others, to write a review—just one little review—on Amazon or Barnes & Noble to help you spread the word about your books.
I didn’t say that a reader sharing a post on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook can garner you a few more readers and helps spread the word.
I didn’t say that when you love writing, when it is a true passion, you work hard to fit it into your life wherever and whenever you can.
I didn’t say that balancing work, family, friends, and your writing life is challenging each and every day.
I didn’t say that you write for the money. You don’t.
I didn’t say that there have been times…countless times…that you think about throwing in the towel, completely giving up, or taking up crocheting or knitting only to realize that your love for storytelling won’t allow you to do so. It never will.
I didn’t say that some days you walk around desperately wanting to write but have absolutely no idea what in the hell to write about. And so you keep thinking. And thinking. And thinking.
I didn’t say that you have the goal to tell a good story that people will love to read for years. For a while. For a long while.
I didn’t say that you second guess your work all the freaking time. Even when you’re sleeping.
And I didn’t say that asking people for help is easy.
Those are a few of the things I didn’t say last night.